Class M: Music is a classification used by the Library of Congress Classification system. This article outlines the subclasses of Class M.
Video Library of Congress Classification:Class M -- Music
M - Printed Music
- 1-1.A15 ...... Music printed or copied in manuscript in the United States or the colonies before 1860
- 1.A5-3.3 ..... Collections
- 5-1480 ........ Instrumental music
- 1490 ........... Music printed or copied in manuscript before 1700
- 1495-2199 .. Vocal music
- 5000 ........... Unidentified compositions
Maps Library of Congress Classification:Class M -- Music
ML - Literature on music
- 1-5 ................. Periodicals. Serials
- 12-21 ............. Directories. Almanacs
- 25-28 ............. Societies and other organizations
- 29-31 ............. Special collections
- 32-33 ............. Institutions
- 35-38 ............. Festivals. Congresses
- 40-44 ............. Programs
- 45 .................. Circulars and advertisements
- 46 .................. Scrapbooks
- 47-54.8 .......... Librettos. Texts. Scenarios
- 55-89 ............. Aspects of the field of music as a whole
- 93-96.5 .......... Manuscript studies and manuscripts
- 100-109 ......... Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
- 110-111.5 ....... Music librarianship
- 112-112.5 ....... Music printing and publishing
- 112.8-158.8 .... Bibliography
- 159-3785 ........ History and criticism
- 3790-3792 ...... Music trade
- 3795 ............... Music as a profession. Vocational guidance
- 3797-3799.5 ... Musical research
- 3800-3923 ...... Philosophical and societal aspects of music. Physics and acoustics of music. Physiological aspects of music
- 3928-3930 ...... Literature for children
MT - Musical instruction and study
- 1 ............. General works
- 2.5 .......... Music study abroad
- 3-5 .......... History
- 5.5-7 ....... Music theory
- 9-15 ........ Printed pedagogical aids
- 17 ........... Music in special education
- 18 ........... Music in colleges and universities
- 20-34 ...... Systems and methods
- 35-39 ...... Notation
- 40-67 ...... Composition. Elements and techniques of music
- 68 ........... Improvisation. Accompaniment. Transposition
- 70-74 ...... Instrumentation and orchestration
- 75 ........... Interpretation
- 80 ........... Embellishment
- 82 ........... Memorizing
- 85 ........... Conducting. Score reading and playing
- 87 ........... Community music
- 88 ........... Administration and instruction of vocal groups
- 90-146 .... Analysis and appreciation of musical works
- 150 ......... Audio-visual aids
- 155.......... Music theory for children
- 165 ......... Tuning
- 170-810 .. Instrumental techniques
- 820-915 .. Singing and vocal technique
- 918-948 .. School music
- 950 ......... Music to accompany instruction in ballet, folk dancing, gymnastics, etc.
- 955-956 .. Musical theater
- 960 ......... Music in the theater
Library of Congress Classification Outline
- Marcello Sorce Keller, "The Problem of Classification in Folksong Research: a Short History", Folklore, XCV(1984), no. 1, 100- 104.
Source of article : Wikipedia