Counter-Strike For Kids is a short machinima comedy video created by the Janus Syndicate, an internet group composed of college students. It was creating using footage from Counter-Strike: Source as well as additional footage from Garry's Mod. Released July 23, 2008, by, the film has over 17 million views on YouTube, making it the most-viewed user-created video on's channel. It is a fake commercial for a make-believe retail product that replaces elements from the original Counter-Strike.
Video Counter-Strike for Kids
A man in a colorful shirt shows footage of an 8-year-old kid mouthing off first person shooter video game jargon in Counter-Strike: Source, thinking it to be "rude language". In response, clips from an apparent game modification called "Counter-Strike for Kids" gets shown, which portray several players wearing clown makeup and carrying toy guns, "pookeyballs", pillows, and other "kid-friendly" elements like replacement voice-overs that say a person is taking a nap when losing in a round. This sequence ends with a guarantee that "if you call within the next 15 minutes" you will also get Counter-Strike: Extreme Gore Edition. Clips are shown of players being dismembered, heavily bleeding, and using larger weapons. A customer testimony by Crackbone is also presented as it closes. A parody of the George Lopez show ensues, featuring a CS terrorist whose face is covered by an edited picture of George Lopez messing about psychotically and shouting before a counter-terrorist from the game informs him that he has cancer. George suddenly goes red and angry, and shoots a bottle.
Maps Counter-Strike for Kids
Background and Production
The video was inspired by Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! and other popular web videos. The original considered format was that of Source Mod Todd, a previous Janus Syndicate series, in which the CS for Kids mod is being presented while brief clips of an extremely gory Counter-Strike: Source pop up randomly on the screen.
Custom player and weapon models, sounds, and levels were acquired from FPSBanana or made specifically for the production. The first host in the film is played by STEV, who wrote the Kids segment, while the Extreme Gore Edition segment's host is played by Xanatos and was co-written by MrSentual. The George Lopez skit was originally created by CTTV and the voices, music and sound were later added to CS for Kids. The scene was re-filmed in Counter-Strike: Source. The Crackbone and George Lopez segments were added by Xanatos during the later stages of production.
External links
- Archived Janus Syndicate website
- Official Video
- Extras Video
Source of article : Wikipedia